Thursday, December 6, 2007

Our Final Poll

Looks like the guys at CFBParadise thought an OSU/OU BCS title game was more appropriate. Anyway, be on the lookout for our BCS radio show and bowl game blogs and predictions.

1. Ohio State (9)
2. Oklahoma (1)
3. LSU
4. Georgia
5. Southern Cal
6. Virginia Tech
7. Kansas (1)
8. Missouri
9. Hawaii
10. Arizona State
11. West Virginia
12. Florida
13. Illinois
14. Clemson
15. Boston College
16. BYU
17. Wisconsin
18. Cincinnati
19. Boise State
20. Texas
21. Virginia
22. Tennessee
23. South Florida
t24. Air Force
t24. Auburn

Others receiving votes: Texas Tech 12, Penn State 10, Connecticut 8, Oregon 7, Michigan 7, Central Florida 1

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Week 13 poll

1. Missouri (10)
2. West Virginia (4)
3. Ohio State
4. Southern Cal
5. Georgia (1)
6. Kansas
7. Oklahoma
8. Virginia Tech
9. LSU
10. Hawaii (1)
11. Boston College
12. Arizona State
13. Florida
14. Clemson
15. Illinois
16. Tennessee
17. Boise State
18. BYU
19. Wisconsin
20. Virginia
21. Cincinnati
22. South Florida
23. Oregon
24. Texas
25. Air Force

Others receiving votes: Auburn 41, Texas Tech 14, Penn State 6, Connecticut 4, Troy 2, Michigan 1, Central Florida 1

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Weekly Not so Expert Picks

Blue974 - Overall Record 40-29-1, Last Week 6-3-1
VT 2.5, WIS 15.5, UVA 1.5, MSU 4.5, USF -4.5, BAMA 7.5, ORE -7, FSU 6.5, A&M 20.5, USC -15

NoleinPHX - Overall Record 42-37-1, Last Week 6-3-1
VT 2.5, OSU -15.5, Wake -1.5, UM -4.5, USF -4.5, Bama 7.5, ORE -7, FSU 6.5, OU -20.5, USC -15

Waregl72 - Overall Record 40-39-1, Last Week 6-3-1
VT 2.5, Wis 15.5, UVA 1.5, UM -4.5, USF -4.5, BAMA 7.5, Ore -7, FSU 6.5 A&M 20.5, USC -15

Reno - Overall Record 40-39-1, Last Week 7-2-1
GT -2.5, Wis 15.5, Wake -1.5, UM -4.5, USF -4.5, LSU -7.5, ASU 7, BC -6.5, A&M 20.5, USC -15

Beaverbowline - Overall Record 24-25-1, Last Week 8-1-1
GT -2.5, WIS 15.5, Wake -1.5, UM -4.5, USF -4.5, LSU -7.5, ASU 7, BC -6.5, OK -20.5, ORE ST 15

Acedawg98 - Overall Record 28-31-1, Last Week 3-6-1
Gt -2.5, Wis 15.5, UVA 1.5, MSU 4.5, USF -4.5, Bama 7.5, ASU 7, FSU 6.5, OU -20.5, Ore St 15

CMurphy73 - Overall Record 37-42-1, Last Week 5-4-1VT 2.5, WIS 15.5, UVA 1.5, UM -4.5, CINN 4.5, Bama 7.5, ASU 7, BC -6.5, A&M 20.5, Ore St 15

Tigertater - Overall Record 36-43-1, Last Week 4-5-1
VT 2.5, OSU -15.5, Wake -1.5, UM -4.5, USF -4.5, LSU -7.5, ORE -7, FSU 6.5, OU -20.5, USC -15

Goutvols22 - Overall Record 35-44-1, Last Week 4-5-1
VT 2.5, Wis 15.5, Wake -1.5, UM -4.5, Cinn 4.5, Bama 7.5, ASU 7, BC -6.5, A&M 20.5, USC -15

Canes854 - Overall Record 34-45-1, Last Week 4-5-1
VT 2.5, Wis 15.5, UVA 1.5, MSU 4.5, USF -4.5, LSU -7.5, ORE -7, FSU 6.5, A&M 20.5, USC -15

Nutzz23 – Overall Record 32-37-1, Last Week 4-5-1
GT -2.5, WIS 15.5, Wake -1.5, UM -4.5, USF -4.5, LSU -7.5, ORE -7, BC -6.5, OU -20.5, USC -15

Zack - Overall Record 22-27-1, Last Week 4-5-1
VT -2.5, OSU -15.5, UVA 1.5, UM -4.5, USF -4.5, Bama 7.5, ORE -7, FSU 6.5, A&M 20.5, USC -15

Brent - Overall 27-42-1, Last Week 2-7-1
VT 2.5, OSU -15.5, Wake -1.5, UM -4.5, Cinn 4.5, LSU -7.5, ASU +7, BC -6.5, A&M 20.5,Ore St 15

AB42Beerman - Overall Record 34-45-1, Last Week 5-4-1
GT -2.5, Wis 15.5, UVA 1.5, UM -4.5, Cinn 4.5, LSU -7.5, Ore -7, BC -6.5, OU -20.5, Ore St 15

GaryL0817 - Overall Record 31-48-1, Last Week 5-4-1
GT -2.5, OSU -15.5, Wake -1.5, UM -4.5, USF-4.5, LSU -7.5, Ore -7, BC -6.5, OU -20.5, Ore St 15

Scoot’s Sheet – Overall Record 10-9-1, Last Week, 7-2-1
GT -2.5, OSU -15.5, UVA 1.5, MSU 4.5, Cinn 4.5, LSU -7.5, ASU 7, BC -6.5, A&M 20.5, Ore St 15

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 9 Top 25

1. Ohio State (14)
2. Boston College (2)
3. LSU
4. Arizona State
5. Oregon
6. Oklahoma
7. Kansas
8. West Virginia
9. Missouri
10. Georgia
11. Michigan
12. Texas
13. Southern Cal
14. Connecticut
15. Hawaii
16. Alabama
17. Virginia Tech
18. Wake Forest
19. Clemson
20. Wisconsin
21. Boise State
22. South Florida
23. Auburn
24. Virginia
25. Florida

Others receiving votes: Cincinnati 27, Purdue 23, Tennessee 16, Kansas State 15, Penn State 10, South Carolina 8, Georgia Tech 7, Florida State 4, Texas A&M 2, BYU 1

Thursday, October 25, 2007

This weeks Not-So Expert Picks

Blue974 - Overall Record 34-26, Last Week 5-5
VT -3, WVU -6.5, Ore -2.5, Clem -3.5, Neb +21.5, UGA +9, A&M +2.5, TENN -3, OSU -3.5, Cal +3

NoleinPHX - Overall Record 36-34, Last Week 6-4
VT -3, WVU -6.5, Ore -2.5, UM +3.5, NEB +21.5, UF -9, KU -2.5, USC +3, OSU -3.5, ASU -3

Acedawg98 - Overall Record 25-25, Last Week 7-3
BC +3, WVU -6.5, USC +2.5, UM +3.5, Texas -21.5, UGA +9, A&M +2.5, USC +3, PSU +3.5, Cal +3

Waregl72 - Overall Record 34-36, Last Week 6-4
VT -3, WVU -6.5, USC +2.5, Clem -3.5, Neb +21.5, UGA +9, KU -2.5, Tenn -3, OSU -3.5, Cal +3

Reno - Overall Record 33-37, Last Week 4-6
BC +3, WVU -6.5, USC +2.5, Clem -3.5, NEB +21.5, UGA +9, A&M +2.5, USC +3, OSU -3.5, ASU -3

CMurphy73 - Overall Record 32-38, Last Week 8-2
VT -3, WVU -6.5, USC +2.5, UM +3.5, NEB +21.5, UGA +9, KU -2.5, Tenn -3, OSU -3.5, Cal +3

Tigertater - Overall Record 32-38, Last Week 5-5
VT -3, WVU -6.5, USC +2.5, Clem -3.5, Neb +21.5, UF -9, KU -2.5, USC +3, PSU +3.5, Cal +3

Goutvols22 - Overall Record 31-39, Last Week 6-4
VT -3, WVU -6.5, USC +2.5, Clem -3.5, Texas -21.5, UF -9, KU -2.5, USC +3, OSU -3.5, Cal +3

Nutzz23 – Overall Record 28-32, Last Week 6-4
BC +3, WVU -6.5, Ore -2.5, UM +3.5, Texas -21.5, UF -9, A&M +2.5, USC +3, OSU -3.5, CAL +3

Zack - Overall Record 18-22, Last Week 5-5
VT -3, Rut +6.5, Ore -2.5, CLEM -3.5, Neb +21.5, UF -9, KU -2.5, TENN -3, PSU +3.5, Cal +3

Beaverbowline - Overall Record 16-24, Last Week 4-6
BC +3, Rut +6.5, Ore -2.5, CLEM -3.5, Neb +21.5, UGA +9, KU -2.5, USC +3, OSU -3.5, ASU -3

Canes854 - Overall Record 30-40, Last Week 5-5
VT -3, WVU -6.5, Ore -2.5, CLEM -3.5, Texas -21.5, UF -9, A&M +2.5, TENN -3, PSU +3.5, ASU -3

Brent - Overall 25-35, Last Week 6-4
BC +3, Rut +6.5, USC +2.5, UM +3.5, NEB +21.5, UF -9, A&M +2.5, USC +3, PSU +3.5, CAL +3

AB42Beerman - Overall Record 29-41, Last Week 1-9
VT -3, WVU -6.5, ORE -2.5, Clem -3.5, Neb +21.5, UF -9, A&M +2.5, TENN -3, OSU -3.5, CAL +3

GaryL0817 - Overall Record 26-44, Last Week 5-5
BC +3, Rut +6.5, Ore -2.5, Clem -3.5, Texas -21.5, UF -9, KU -2.5, USC +3, PSU +3.5, ASU -3

Scoot’s Sheet – Overall Record 3-7, Last Week, 3-7
BC +3, Rut +6.5, Ore -2.5, Clem -3.5, Neb +21.5, UF -9, KU -2.5, USC +3, OSU -3.5, ASU -3

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 9 Top 25

1. Ohio State (13)
2. Boston College (1)
3. LSU
4. Oregon
t-5. Oklahoma
t-5. Arizona State
7. Kansas
8. Southern Cal
9. West Virginia
10. Missouri
11. Virginia Tech
12. Florida
13. South Florida
14. Hawaii
15. Virginia
16. Kentucky
17. Texas
18. South Carolina
19. Michigan
20. Connecticut
21. Cal
22. Alabama
23. Penn State
24. Auburn
25. Boise State

Others receiving votes: Georgia 33, Rutgers 31, Wisconsin 20, Kansas State 14, Texas A&M 14, Clemson 9, Cincinnati 7, UCLA 5, Texas Tech 4, Wake Forest 2

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Weekly Not-so-expert Picks

Blue974 - Overall Record 29-21, Last Week 5-5
USF -3, PITT +10, FSU -6, FL -7, USC -20, MSU +17, TENN +1, WASH +11, ILL +3, AUB +10.5

NoleinPHX - Overall Record 30-30, Last Week 5-5
USF -3, CINN -10, FSU -6, UF -7, USC -20, MSU +17, TENN +1, ORE -11, MICH -3, AUB +10.5

Reno - Overall Record 29-31, Last Week 5-5
USF -3, PITT +10, FSU -6, FL -7, ND +20, OSU -17, BAMA -1, WASH +11, ILL +3, AUB

AB42Beerman - Overall Record 28-32, Last Week 3-7
USF -3, CINN -10, FSU -6, UF -7, ND +20, OSU -17, TENN +1, WASH +11, ILL +3, LSU -10.5

Waregl72 - Overall Record 28-32, Last Week 2-8
USF -3, CINN -10, UM +6, UF -7, ND +20, MSU +17, TENN +1, ORE -11, MICH -3, AUB +10.5

Acedawg98 - Overall Record 18-22, Last Week 5-5
RUT +3, CINN -10, UM +6, UF -7, USC -20, MSU +17, TENN +1, WASH +11, MICH -3, AUB +10.5

Tigertater - Overall Record 27-33, Last Week 3-7
USF -3, CINN -10, FSU -6, UF -7, USC -20, OSU -17, TENN +1, ORE -11, MICH -3, AUB +10.5

Canes854 - Overall Record 25-35, Last Week 4-6
RUT +3, CINN -10, FSU -6, UK +7, USC -20, MSU +17, TENN +1, ORE -11, MICH -3, LSU -10.5

Nutzz23 – Overall Record 22-28, Last Week 4-6
RUT +3, CINN -10, UM +6, UF -7, ND +20, MSU +17, TENN +1, ORE -11, MICH -3, AUB +10.5

Zack - Overall Record 13-17, Last Week 6-4
USF -3, CINN -10, FSU -6, UF -7, ND +20, OSU -17, BAMA -1, ORE +11, MICH -3, AUB +10.5

Beaverbowline - Overall Record 12-18, Last Week 3-7
USF -3, CINN -10, UM +6, UK +7, ND +20, MSU +17, TENN +1, ORE -11, ILL +3, AUB +10.5

Brent - Overall 19-31, Last Week 5-5
RUT +3, CINN -10, FSU -6, UK +7, USC -20, MSU +17, BAMA -1, ORE -11, MICH -3, AUB +10.5

GaryL0817 - Overall Record 21-39, Last Week 2-8
USF -3, CINN -10, UM +6, UF -7, USC -20, OSU -17, TENN +1, ORE -11, MICH -3, LSU -10.5

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Weekly Not-so-expert Picks

Blue974 - Overall Record 24-16, Last Week 7-3
FSU -6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, LSU -9, TT -8, Ore -17.5, ND +14, OU -9, CAL -14, LOU +10.5

Waregl72 - Overall Record 26-24, Last Week 4-6
FSU -6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, LSU -9, A&M +8, WSU +17.5, BC -14, OU -9, CAL -14, LOU +10.5

NoleinPHX – Overall Record 25-25, Last Week 4-6
WF +6, GT +3, Ill -3.5, UK +9, TT -8, WSU +17.5, BC -14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Lou +10.5

AB42Beerman - Overall Record 25-25, Last Week 4-6
FSU -6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, LSU -9, TT -8, Ore -17.5, BC -14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Lou +10.5

Trojan Tucker - Overall Record 24-26, Last Week 2-8
WF +6, GT +3, Ill -3.5, LSU -9, TT -8, Ore -17.5, BC -14, OU -9, Cal -14, Cinn -10.5

Reno - Overall Record 24-26, Last Week 4-6Florida State WF +6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, UK +9, A&M +8, WSU +17.5, BC -14, OU -9, OSU +14, Lou +10.5

Tigertater - Overall Record 24-26, Last Week 4-6
FSU -6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, LSU -9, TT -8, Ore -17.5, BC -14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Lou +10.5

Beaverbowline - Overall Record 9-11, Last Week 0-0
FSU -6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, UK +9, TT -8, WSU +17.5, ND +14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Cinn -10.5

Nutzz23 – Overall Record 18-22, Last Week 4-6
FSU -6, GT +3, Ill -3.5, LSU -9, TT -8, Ore -17.5, BC -14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Lou +10.5

Canes854 - Overall Record 21-29, Last Week 2-8
WF +6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, UK +9, A&M +8, Ore -17.5, BC -14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Lou +10.5

GaryL0817 - Overall Record 19-31, Last Week 1-9
FSU -6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, LSU -9, TT -8, Ore -17.5, BC -14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Cinn -10.5

BamaBen11 - Overall Record 13-17, Last Week 0-0
FSU -6, UM -3, IA +3.5, LSU -9, A&M +8, WSU +17.5, ND +14, Mizzou +9, Cal +14, Lou +10.5

Goutvols22 - Overall Record 22-28, Last Week 5-5
FSU -6, UM -3, ILL -3.5, LSU -9, A&M +8, Ore -17.5, ND +14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Lou -10.5

JonSobel – Overall Record 14-26, Last Week 2-8
FSU -6, UM -3, ILL -3.5, LSU -9, A&M +8, Ore -17.5, ND +14, Mizzou +9, Cal -14, Lou +10.5

Acedawg98 - Overall Record 13-17, Last Week 5-5
FSU -6, GT +3, Ill -3, UK +9, TT -8, WSU +17.5, BC -14, OU -9, Cal +14, Lou +10.5

CMurphy73 - Overall Record 20-30, Last Week 5-5
FSU -6, UM -3, Ill-3.5, UK +9, A&M +8, Ore -17.5, BC -14, OU -9, Cal -14, Lou +10.5

Roar on State - Overall Record 14-26, Last Week 0-0
FSU -6, GT +3, Ill -3.5, LSU -9, A&M +8. Ore -17.5, ND +14, OU -9, Cal -14, Lou +10.5

Zack - Overall Record 7-13, Last Week 2-8
WF +6, UM -3, Ill -3.5, UK +9, TT -8, Ore -17.5, ND +14, Mizzou +9, Cal +14, Lou +10.5

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

You really have to question the writers

As it seems to go every football season, the writers have again provided us with an interesting Top 25 as we near the midpoint of the season. The following is the recent AP Top 25 Poll...

1. LSU (65) 6-0 1,625
2. California 5-0 1,538
3. Ohio State 6-0 1,511
4. Boston College 6-0 1,346
5. South Florida 5-0 1,339
6. Oklahoma 5-1 1,221
7. South Carolina 5-1 1,183
8. West Virginia 5-1 1,059
9. Oregon 4-1 1,047
10. USC 4-1 1,024
11. Missouri 5-0 966
12. Virginia Tech 5-1 910
13. Florida 4-2 822
14. Arizona State 6-0 752
15. Cincinnati 6-0 705
16. Hawaii 6-0 634
17. Kentucky 5-1 612
18. Illinois 5-1 595
19. Wisconsin 5-1 551
20. Kansas 5-0 336
21. Florida State 4-1 307
22. Auburn 4-2 248
23. Texas 4-2 136
24. Georgia 4-2 131
25. Tennessee 3-2 90

The first 9 actually look pretty good. Though I personally think Boston College and South Florida are overrated, you can't argue with their placement at this point of the season. Starting at #10 is where things get interesting. Using what we will call the Michigan Principle, USC is ranked entirely too high. I realize that Appy St. is 1-AA and Stanford is a BCS school but the upsets are similar with Top 5 teams losing at home to underdogs of at least 25. In Week 2, Michigan was unranked yet USC remains in the Top 10. Looking at our own poll, I see that we have USC at #12 but that doesn't mean we are right either. Moving on we see Missouri at #11 despite embarrassing Nebraska in a way that USC did not. Personally, I think Missouri is better than both BC and USF, but that is for another day. I'm not a big fan of the common opponent argument because teams match up in different ways but Missouri did play Nebraska better than USC did. Now we move to Florida who is somewhat of a tricky subject. This is where common opponent gets dangerous. Auburn ranked #22 beat Florida ranked #13 in Gainesville but also lost to Miss. St. at Jordan-Hare. At the same time, Florida destroyed Tennessee and hung real close with #1 LSU. I don't know whether Auburn should be ranked ahead of Florida as the Miss. St. loss was bad, but they should be closer in the rankings. We'll lastly move to the Georgia and Tennessee. Both teams have two losses to currently ranked Top 25 teams. That being equal you have to rely on head to head competition. Tennessee dominated Georgia this past weekend and clearly demonstrated that they are the better team. It's debatable that either should be ranked but if they are going to be ranked, then Tennessee should be higher.

What we have here, especially in the top 15 is a case of human nature and our desire to be right. I imagine it is giving the writers fits having to rank teams such as Boston College and USF in the top 5. The writers were very high on USC and UF entering the season and dropping them now would hurt their credibility. Throw in the fact that the AP provided USC a share of the championship in 2003 and it looks even more suspicious when USC's lost is treated that much differently than Michigan's loss.

Lastly, I realize that the Coaches and Harris polls have just as many inconsistencies but I don't expect much from them. Coaches and SID's are notorious Sunday Box Score guys and the Harris poll pretty much makes itself look stupid on it's own without the need for anyone to point out its problems. The AP Poll awards its own championship at the end of the season independent from other polls and computer models. This fact means we must hold the AP to a higher standard because with the power to award a championship comes more responsibility. My hope is that by the end of the year the press is able to step back and objectively look at they way they vote. There are just too many questions at this point of the season.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

And the beat goes on...Week 7 Top 25

1. LSU (19)
2. Ohio State
3. Cal
4. South Florida
5. Boston College
6. Oklahoma
7. Missouri
8. South Carolina
9. Cincinnati
10. Arizona State
11. Oregon
12. Southern Cal
13. West Virginia
14. Kansas
15. Hawaii
16. Illinois
17. Virginia Tech
18. Florida
19. Florida State
20. Kentucky
21. Wisconsin
22. Connecticut
23. Texas
24. Auburn
25. Indiana

Others receiving votes: Purdue 26, Texas Tech 26, Tennessee 22, Virginia 15, Nebraska 13, Texas A&M 12, Wyoming 11, Rutgers 10, Georgia 9, Maryland 9, Michigan 1

Sunday, October 7, 2007

"I want a loss too"

The new battle cry in college football. While such rebels as LSU, South Florida, and Boston College not wanting to join the party, it definitely is the re-occuring theme so far this year. What is it all going to mean at the end of the year? The answer is "Who the F%$#! knows?" This has been a season never seen before in my 34 years of watching college football. A 40 point favorite loses at home. A team that has won no more than 2 games the last couple of years (Illinois) knocks off 2 ranked teams in a row, one of those being in the top 5. UCLA was highly touted coming into the season and has given a hapless Notre Dame thier first win of the year. I could go on but Jerrel only allows us to use so much space on this blog. It is what makes this game so great. The complete uncertainty of who will win and who will lose from week to week. Vegas must be loving it as much as anyone. Or maybe they are the cause of it since they "fix" so many other sports (tongue in cheek dripping of sarcasm). So sit back, turn in your E ticket, and hang on. The ride is going to be a little bumpy here on out

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Week 6 Not-so-Expert Picks

Blue974 - Overall Record 17-13, Last Week 6-4
USC -3.5, Wisc +2.5, NCST +17.5, UGA +2, TEX +10.5, WSU +8.5, VT +5, Rut -3, UF +8, ND +20.5

Trojan Tucker - Overall Record 22-18, Last Week 3-7UK +3.5, Wisc +2.5, FSU -17.5, UGA +2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, Clem -5, Rut +3, UF +8, ND +20.5

Waregl72 - Overall Record 22-18, Last Week 3-7
UK +3.5, WIsc +2.5, NCST +17.5, UGA +2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, VT +5, Cinn +3, LSU -8, ND +20.5

NoleinPHX – Overall Record 21-19, Last Week 7-3
UK +3.5, ILL -2.5, FSU -17.5, UGA +2, Tex +10.5, ASU -8.5, VT +5, Cinn -3, LSU -8, UCLA -20.5

AB42Beerman - Overall Record 21-19, Last Week 2-8
UK +3.5, Wisc +2.5, NCST +17.5, Tenn -2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, VT +5, Rut -3, UF +8, UCLA -20.5

Reno - Overall Record 20-20, Last Week 3-7
USC -3.5, Wisc +2.5, NCST +17.5, UGA +2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, Clem -5, Cinn +3, LSU -8, ND +20.5

Tigertater - Overall Record 20-20, Last Week 4-6
USC -3.5, Wisc +2.5, NCST +17.5, UGA +2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, Clem -5, Rut -3, UF +8, ND +20.5

Nutzz23 – Overall Record 14-16, Last Week 2-8UK +3.5, Wisc +2.5, FSU -17.5, Tenn -2, Tex +10.5, ASU -8.5, VT +5, Rut -3, LSU -8, ND +20.5

Canes854 - Overall Record 19-21, Last Week 3-7UK +3.5, ILL -2.5, NCST +17.5, UGA +2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, Clem -5, Rut -3, LSU -8, UCLA -20.5

GaryL0817 - Overall Record 18-22, Last Week 3-7UK +3.5, Wisc +2.5, FSU -17.5, UGA +2, TEX +10.5, ASU -8.5, Clem -5, Rut -3, LSU -8, UCLA -20.5

JonSobel – Overall Record 12-18, Last Week 3-7UK +3.5, Wisc +2.5, FSU -17.5, UGA +2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, Clem -5, Cinn +3, LSU -8, ND +20.5

Acedawg98 - Overall Record 8-12, Last Week 0-0UK +3.5, Wisc +2.5, NCST +17.5, UGA +2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, VT +5, Cinn+3, UF +8, UCLA -20.5

CMurphy73 - Overall Record 15-25, Last Week 4-6UK +3.5, Wisc +2.5, NCST +17.5, Tenn -2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, Clem -5, Cinn +3, UF +8, ND +20.5

Zack - Overall Record 5-5, Last Week 5-5UK +3.5, ILL -2.5, FSU -17.5, UGA +2, OU -10.5, ASU -8.5, Clem -5, Rut -3, LSU -8, ND +20.5

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week 6 Top 25

1. LSU (9)
2. Southern Cal (10)
t3. Ohio Statet
3. Cal
5. Wisconsin
6. South Florida
7. Boston College
8. Kentucky
9. Florida
10. Oklahoma
11. Oregon
12. Cincinnati
13. Missouri
14. Arizona State
15. West Virginia
16. Hawaii
17. Georgia
18. South Carolina
19. Purdue
20. Texas
21. Virginia Tech
22. Rutgers
23. Kansas State
24. Connecticut
25. Kansas

Others receiving votes: Florida State 48, Clemson 47, Miami 46, UCLA 28, Nebraska 27, Texas Tech 14, Auburn 10, Illinois 10, Michigan State 5, Alabama 2, Maryland 1, Virginia 1, Indiana 1

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

CFBParadise Week 5 Top 25

1. Southern Cal
2. LSU
3. Oklahoma
4. Florida
5. West Virginia
6. Texas
7. Ohio State
8. Oregon
9. Cal
10. Boston College
11. Wisconsin
12. Rutgers
13. Clemson
14. Kentucky
15. South Florida
16. Hawaii
17. Cincinnati
18. Missouri
19. Georgia
20. Arizona State
21. Purdue
22. South Carolina
23. Penn State
24. Virginia Tech
25. Miami

Others receiving votes: Michigan State 54, Kansas 32, Connecticut 24, Alabama 17, Nebraska 15, UCLA 9, Central Florida 3, Texas A&M 2

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Trojan Tucker - Overall Record 14-6, Last Week 8-2
A&M +3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, UK +6.5, Mar +22, UF -21, So Car +16.5, PSU -2.5, UW +5.5, WSU +24

AB42Beerman - Overall Record 13-7, Last Week 5-5UM -3, OU -20, UGA +3.5, Ark -6.5, Cinn -22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UCLA -5.5, USC -24

Waregl72 - Overall Record 12-8, Last Week 7-3
A&M +3, OU -20, UGA +3.5, UK +6.5, Cinn -22, UF -21, So Car +16.5, PSU -2.5, UCLA -5.5, USC -24

Canes854 - Overall Record 12-8, Last Week 6-4
A&M +3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, UK +6.5, Mar +22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UCLA -5.5, USC -24
Reno - Overall Record 12-8, Last Week 7-3
UM -3, Tul +20, UGA +3.5, Ark -6.5, Cinn -22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UCLA -5.5, USC -24

Nutzz23 – Overall Record 6-4, Last Week 6-4
A&M +3, OU -20, UGA +3.5, UK +6.5, Cinn -22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UCLA -5.5, USC -24

Tigertater - Overall Record 11-9, Last Week 6-4
UM -3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, UK +6.5, Mar +22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UCLA -5.5, USC -24

Roar on State - Overall Record 11-9, Last Week 4-6
A&M +3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, Ark -6.5, Mar +22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UW +5.5, WSU +24

NoleinPHX – Overall Record 10-10, Last Week 5-5
A&M +3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, UK +6.5, Cinn -22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, Mich -2.5, UW +5.5, WSU +24

JonSobel – Overall Record 5-5, Last Week 5-5
A&M +3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, UK +6.5, Cinn -22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UW +5.5, USC -24

Goutvols22 - Overall Record 9-11, Last Week 5-5
A&M +3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, UK +6.5, Cinn -22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UW +5.5, USC -24

GaryL0817 - Overall Record 10-10, Last Week 4-6
UM -3, OU -20, UGA +3.5, UK +6.5, Cinn -22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, PSU -2.5, UW +5.5, USC -24

CMurphy73 - Overall Record 6-14, Last Week 1-9
UM -3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, UK +6.5, Mar -22, UF -21, LSU -16.5, Mich -2.5, UW +5.5, USC -24

BamaBen11 - Overall Record 3-7, Last Week 0-0
UM -3, OU -20, Bama -3.5, UK +6.5, Mar +22, UF -21, So Car +16.5, Mich +2.5, UCLA -5.5, USC -24

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Any given Saturday....

Week 3 was not supposed to be Separation Saturday, but man were there some statements made that set the landscape for the rest of the season. Coming into the week everybody was up in arms about USC, LSU, and OU (damn this sounds familiar). Who has looked best so far, who would get left out if all 3 go undefeated, who plays the toughest schedule? But Florida and Tim Tebow decided to remind America they are the defending National Champions by laying the wood to Tennessee . The win was so impressive the AP pollsters moved Florida ahead of Oklahoma, dropping the Sooners to 4. At this point it appears we have a legitimate shot to see 5 undefeated teams (including West Virginia). Louisville and UCLA showed they were really pretenders, not contenders, with their performances over the weekend. There isn't any shame in losing to your rival, but the atrocious play of the Louisville defense was going to get them sooner or later. Better sooner than later, I say. No point in living a false dream Cardinal fans. And then there are the Bruins of UCLA. 20 returning starters, a win over your rival, and all the hope in the world shattered in Salt Lake City at the hands of the Utes. Tsk, tsk tsk....

With two more undefeated's down let's peek ahead and see what lies ahead for the top 5 remaining contenders, based on current AP rank:

- #1 USC = With UCLA being exposed as frauds the schedule just got less daunting, on paper anyway. Road trips to Oregon and Cal, loom. Cal is legit and could very well end up in NC discussion. But the jury is still out on Oregon as we have seen these blazing starts from the Ducks before, only for them to flame out down the stretch. Some have questioned if the Trojans really are the best team in America, after a ho hum performance against Idaho and giving up 31 to Nebraska. But 31 points aside, USC was in control all night, so the performance can't be all bad right? Expect Cal and USC to be undefeated when they clash on November 10, with the winner taking the Pac 10 crown and possibly be in the BCS driver's seat.

- #2 LSU = The Tigers have looked good, but haven't really beaten anybody. Let's face it, VaTech had everybody fooled in the pre-season. They are not good and LSU dominated a very average team at home. With that said, there is no denying how well LSU has handled their business. With Auburn proving to be about as legit as UCLA, the SEC West slate appears to be a breeze for the Bayou Bengals. However the East side may throw in kink into the Tigers plans. Florida comes Death Valley on October 6 and the Tigers go to upset minded Kentucky. But for all intents and purposes it's a 2 game schedule for the Tigers: Beat Florida twice (at home and in Atlanta for SEC Title game).

- #3 Florida = The Gators cleared their first hurdle, man handling their rival. This ain't the Tennessee of 10 years ago, but hanging 59 on your rival is hanging 59 on your rival. Florida has answered their biggest question (Can Tim Tebow throw the ball? ) with a resounding yes. Tebow has been as good as advertised, and therefore the Gators are even more so a legit threat to get back to the BCS title game than many thought just two weeks ago. The Gators SEC slate provides a stiffer challenge than LSU, having road games at LSU, UK, and USC. And then there's that little old Georgia game. If the Gators can clear all those hurdles I don't think there will be much question who is getting one of BCS title game slots.

- #4 OU = Much like LSU, OU hasn't had much of a challenge nor played an opponent that seemed very capable of providing one. And much like Florida, OU has answered their QB question. Granted OU's question was just a wee bit more of a concern than Florida's, but Sam Bradford has produced results that have made Rhett Bomar a distant memory. OU's biggest problem, however, is the weakness of the Big XII. If there are more than 2 undefeated teams, OU will be the odd man out. Barring Mizzou and Texas A&M proving they are legit, it is a one game schedule for the Sooners. And unfortunately for OU that one game doesn't look all that daunting as Texas has looked very average for 3 weeks against inferior competition. OU may want to keep up that 60 point per game pace to impress enough voters they deserve a top 2 spot, because the computers more than likely won't be kind to the Sooners.

- #5 = West Virginia = As if Pat White and Steve Slaton weren't enough, freshman RB Noel Devine showed all of America what a talent he is versus Maryland. The Mountaineers have had lapses early in the season, despite three comfortable wins. The defense allowed Marshall to move up and down the field and score 23 points. Yes the same Marshall that just lost to (formerly) I-AA New Hampshire. And the offense has been stagnant at times when teams are able to take away the run and make White pass. The Big East has two very good defensive teams in Rutgers and Cincinnati that are capable of stopping the WVU rushing attack; and WVU has to play both of those teams at their houses. And Louisville is capable of winning a shootout. Say what you wish about he Big East, but WVU has a possibly the second toughest remaining road.

Possible BCS sleeper: Boston College may very well play BCS spoiler. I admit I overlooked the Eagles coming into the season. But they have the best QB in the ACC in Matt Ryan, and they have already won 3 conference games, including a win at #15 Georgia Tech. With their next 4 games as gimmes (Army, UMass, BGSU, at ND), the Eagles will be looking at a 7-0 start before they go down the ACC stretch. The Eagles close the season with games at VaTech, versus FSU, at Clemson, and versus Miami. Even if they win out, the Eagles would need some teams to lose to make it to New Orleans. But an ACC title and subsequent BCS berth looks very possible for BC.

- The Big 10 has 3 undefeated teams in Wisconsin, Ohio State, and Penn State. None of the three have wowed anybody with the competition they have faced at this point, although OSUs win at Washington was impressive. Penn State gets Wisky and OSU at home, so they have the advantage of the three. Wisky on the other hand has to travel to the other two, and has looked suspect in the early part of the season. Expect the Big 10 to come down to the Ohio State/Penn State winner on October 13.

- And finally, congratulations to Sylvester Croom and Ted Roof. Both got huge road wins Saturday for their struggling programs. The Bulldogs knocked off Auburn and the Blue Devils snapped the nation's longest losing streak by beating Northwestern.

So much excitement in only week 3. And it will get even better. Any given Saturday, baby! Stay tuned....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Weekly "Expert" picks

Again, for entertainment purposes only:

NoleinPHX – Overall Record 5-5, Last Week 5-5
Tenn +8, ND +9.5, Wash +4, UCLA -13, Ark +3.5, UK +6.5, BC +7.5, USC -10, MTSU +41.5, FSU -3.5

Goutvols22 - Overall Record 4-6, Last Week 4-6
Tenn +8, ND +9.5, OSU -4, UCLA -13, BAMA -3.5, UK +6.5, BC +7.5, USC -10, MTSU +41.5, FSU -3.5

Blue974 - Overall Record 7-3, Last Week 7-3
TENN +8, ND +9.5, WASH +4, UTAH +13, BAMA-3.5, LOU -6.5, BC +7.5, USC-10, MTSU +41.5, FSU-3.5

Waregl72 - Overall Record 5-5, Last Week 5-5
UF -8, Mich -9.5, OSU -4, UCLA -13, ARK +3.5, LOU -6.5, GT -7.5, USC -10, LSU -41.5, FSU -3.5

Trojan Tucker - Overall Record 6-4, Last Week 6-4
UF -8, MICH -9.5, WASH +4, UTAH +13, ARK +3.5, LOU -6.5, BC +7.5, USC -10, LSU -41.5, FSU -3.5

Beaverbowline - Overall Record 5-5, Last Week 5-5
UF -8, ND +9.5, Wash +4, UCLA -13, Arkansas +3.5, UK +6.5, GT -7.5, NEB +10, MTSU +41.5, FSU -3.5

Tigertater - Overall Record 5-5, Last Week 5-5
UF -8, ND +9.5, OSU -4, UTAH +13, BAMA -3.5, LOU -6.5, GT -7.5, USC -10, LSU -41.5, FSU -3.5

CMurphy73 - Overall Record 5-5, Last Week 5-5
Tenn +8, ND +9.5, OSU -4, UCLA -13, BAMA -3.5, LOU -6.5, GT -7.5, NEB +10, MTSU +41.5, COL +3.5

Roar on State - Overall Record 7-3, Last Week 7-3
Tenn +8, ND +9.5, Wash +4, UCLA -13, Arkansas +3.5, Lou -6.5, BC +7.5, USC -10, MTSU +41.5, FSU -3.5

Acedawg98 - Overall Record 4-6, Last Week 4-6
UT +8, MICH -9.5, Wash +4, UCLA -13, BAMA -3.5, UK +6.5, BC +7.5, USC -10, LSU -41.5, COL +3.5

AB42Beerman - Overall Record 8-2, Last Week 8-2
Tenn +8, ND +9.5, OSU, -4, UCLA -13, ARK +3.5, UK +6.5, GT -7.5, USC -10, MTSU +41.5, FSU -3.5

GaryL0817 - Overall Record 6-4, Last Week 6-4
UF -8, MICH -9.5, WASH +4, UCLA -13, ARK +3.5, LOU -6.5, GT -7.5, NEB +10, LSU -41.5, COL +3.5

JonSobel – Overall Record 0-0, Last Week 0-0
UF -8, ND +9.5, WASH +4, UCLA -13, BAMA, -3.5, LOU -6.5, BC +7.5, USC -10, LSU -41.5, FSU -3.5

Nutzz23 – Overall Record 0-0, Last Week 0-0
TENN +8, MICH -9.5, OSU -4, UCLA -13, ARK +3.5, LOU -6.5, GT -7.5, USC -10, LSU -41.5, FSU -3.5

Canes854 - Overall Record 6-4, Last Week 6-4
UF -8, ND +9.5, WASH +4, UCLA -13, ARK +3.5, UK +6.5, BC +7.5, USC +10, LSU -41.5, COL +3.5

Reno - Overall Record 5-5, Last Week 5-5
UF -8, MICH -9.5, OSU -4, UTAH +13, ARK +3.5, LOU -6.5, GT -7.5, USC -10, LSU -41.5, COL +3.5

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week 3 Top 25

Much like the AP, there is dissension in the ranks after week 3. USC has lost 7 votes since our pr-season poll and has actually lost their grip on #1. The Trojans still rule the Coaches and AP poll, but like our poll have lost several votes. The intrigue and debate has begun earlier than expected. Don't 'cha just love it???

1. LSU (8)
2. Southern Cal (8)
3. Oklahoma (1)
4. Florida
5. West Virginia
6. Texas (1)
7. Louisville
8. Wisconsin
9. Cal
10. Penn State
11. Ohio State
12. UCLA
13. Nebraska
14. Rutgers
15. Georgia Tech
16. Oregon
17. Clemson
18. Boston College
19. Washington
20. Arkansas
21. South Carolina
22. Missouri
23. Texas A&M
24. Virginia Tech
25. Hawaii

Others receiving votes: Tennessee 41, Georgia 32, South Florida 30, Cincinnati 8, Arizona State 6, Texas Tech 5, Maryland 3, Auburn 2, Wyoming 1

Friday, September 7, 2007

CFBParadise "expert" weekly picks.

We, the "experts", LOL, will pick ten games against the spread each week and keep a running tally of our records. this is, of course, for entertainment purposes only! These are the opening lines from

NoleinPHX - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Mich -7, Wash +3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, BYU +8.5, UT -11, TCU+9.5, LSU -12.5

Goutvols22 - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Mich -7, BSU -3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, UCLA -8.5, USM+11, Texas -9.5, VTech +12.5

Blue974 - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Ore +7, Wash +3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, UCLA -8.5, UT -11, TCU+9.5, LSU -12.5

Waregl72 - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Mich -7, Wash +3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, UCLA -8.5, UT -11, Texas -9.5, VTech +12.5

Trojan Tucker - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Ore +7, BSU -3, Cocks +5.5, ND +16, UCLA -8.5, UT -11, TCU+9.5, LSU -12.5

Beaverbowline - WF +7, Mia +10.5, Ore +7, Wash+3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, UCLA -8.5, USM +11, TCU+9.5, VTech +12.5

Tigertater - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Ore +7, Wash+3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, BYU +8.5, UT -11 , TCU+9.5, LSU -12.5

Canes854 - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Ore +7, BSU -3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, UCLA -8.5, UT -11 , TCU+9.5, LSU -12.5

Reno - WF +7, OU -10.5, Mich -7 , BSU -3, UGA -5.5, ND +16, BYU +8.5, UT -11, Texas -9.5 , LSU -12.5

BamaBen11 - Neb -7, Mia +10.5, Ore +7, BSU -3, Cocks +5.5, ND +16, UCLA -8.5, USM +11, TCU+9.5, VTech +12.5

CMurphy73 - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Ore +7, BSU -3, UGA -5.5, ND +16, UCLA -8.5, UT -11, TCU +9.5, LSU -12.5

Roar on State - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Mich -7, Wash +3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, UCLA -8.5, UT -11, Texas -9.5, LSU -12.5

Acedawg98 - Neb -7, Mia +10.5, Ore +7, Wash +3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, UCLA -8.5, USM +11, TCU +9.5, VTech +12.5

AB42Beerman - Neb -7, OU -10.5, Ore +7, Wash +3, UGA -5.5, PSU -16, UCLA -8.5, UT -11, Texas -9.5, LSU -12.5

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Complete overhaul of College Football

Article written and submitted by: Mike Bryant

I've been doing some thinking on a the way to compromise and get college football fans all they are looking for in the season. Fans want better OOC games, a real solution in the determination of a national champion, and less bowl games clogging the December calendar.

So how does that happen? Well, it took some work and a radical way of looking at the problems but here we go.

Step #1

Re-Align all the conferences so that each conference has 10 teams. New conferences would be....

Florida State
Georgia Tech
North Carolina
North Carolina State
South Florida
Wake Forest
Miami (FL)
South Carolina

Big East
Virginia Tech
West Virginia
Boston College
Penn State

Big 10
Notre Dame
Michigan State
Ohio State

Plains Conference
Iowa State
Kansas State
Oklahoma State

Arizona State
Oregon State
Washington State

Southern Conference
Texas A&M
Texas Tech
Southern Miss

Mississippi State

Mountain West
Air Force
Brigham Young
Colorado State
New Mexico
San Diego State
Southern Methodist

Sun Belt
Arkansas State
Florida Atlantic
Florida International
Middle Tennessee State
North Texas
Louisiana Tech

Boise State
Fresno State
New Mexico State
San Jose State
Utah State

Conference USA
East Carolina
Western Kentucky
Bowling Green

Ball State
Central Michigan
Eastern Michigan
Kent State
Miami (OH)
Northern Illinois
Western Michigan

Each conference team will play all the other teams in conference, 2 out of conference games, and teams can not schedule 1-AA teams. This 11 game schedule will feature no more than 6 home games, will only include one bye week, and will be concluded the weekend before Thanksgiving.

The change in scheduling removes the need for Conference Title games and allows for Bowl Games to begin the weekend of Thanksgiving and run through the following weekend. Teams must win 7 games to qualify for a bowl game and the BCS will no longer exist. The PAC 10 champ and Big 10 Champ get the Rose Bowl back and other bowl games will take place as before the BCS.

At the conclusion of the bowl games there will be a break for student exams. Then the top 6 teams in the country (after the bowl games) will be selected for a playoff. The playoff will begin after the completion of exams in the middle of December. Teams 3 & 6 and 4 & 5 will play in Round 1. The winners will advance to play teams 1 & 2 the following weekend. The better seed will have home field advantage and the NCAA will pay for all team travel. The championship game will take place on New Year's Day at a rotating site.

There it is, never gonna happen but it sure would be nice improvement to college football.

CFBParadise Week 2 Top 25

1) Southern Cal (14) 1-0
2) LSU (3) 1-0
3) Florida 1-0
4) Oklahoma 1-0
5) Texas (1) 1-0
6) Wisconsin 1-0
7) West Virginia 1-0
8) Louisville 1-0
9) Georgia 1-0
10) Cal 1-0
11) Ohio State 1-0
12) Rutgers 1-0
13) Penn State 1-0
14) Virginia Tech 1-0
15) UCLA 1-0
16) Georgia Tech 1-0
17) Auburn 1-0
18) Nebraska 1-0
19) Miami 1-0
20) Boise State 1-0
21) TCU 1-0
22) Texas A&M 1-0
23) Arkansas 1-0
24) Clemson 1-0
25) Boston College 1-0

Others receiving votes: Tennessee 40, Michigan 39, Hawaii 36, Oregon State 16, Oregon 11, Missouri 10, Florida State 5, South Carolina 3, Texas Tech 3, Arizona State 1, Maryland 1

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Was Appy State's win really a loss?

With all the buzz surrounding the "loss heard 'round the world", one thing seems to have been left out of all the talks. Before I continue let me say that there aren't enough accolades and congratulations to give to the Mountaineers after their big win on Saturday. That being said did they cook their (and their subdivision's) goose in the process? One of the things that football fans love to chastise other programs for is scheduling these (former and still referenced by me) 1AA schools. The forgotten element in these bargains is the payday that these smaller schools get to go pad the win stats (oops Wolverine fans) of the "big boys". Saturday may have seen the last of it for any 1AA team ranked in their preseason poll. The negative fallout (top 25 poll pun intended) Michigan has seen is the likes never seen before in college football. How many "top programs" are going to risk that for themselves? My guess is not many. Which means that those 1AA schools aren't going to get the payouts that they get (many on a yearly basis) which means that some of these programs may lose in the end. While a lot of people reading this may not care about the subdivision, I have to as I am an alum of one of these programs. Besides how ironic that a team that has a playoff ruins a season of one that doesn't. Don't for a second think that if Michigan gets it back in gear and runs the table the rest of the way that they won't want one. Because they sure won't get a shot at the title with that loss on their resume. So, the question remains........did Appy State (and 1AA in general) really lose in that win?

Week 1 is in the books...

What a weekend. Not only was it extended an extra day, we FINALLY got to see some college football. And boy did we get to see some action. A few thoughts from the weekend:

- Cal paid Tennessee back in a big way Saturday night. Seemed as if the Bears could have put 60 on the Vols if they wanted to. Memo to the rest of America: Don't punt to DeSean Jackson. This win will surely fuel the Pac 10/SEC debate fires. But really all this means is Cal is better than Tennessee, not the Pac 10 is better than the SEC. And all it meant last year was Tennessee was better than Cal. With that said, this was a huge win for Pac 10's unfairly bashed image, and perhaps the critics will be silenced.

- Texas was less than impressive in it's season opening win over Arkansas State. This was a bit eye opening to see from a team many think will be in New Orleans in January. Colt McCoy, who only threw (7) INTs all of last season, threw (2) to the lowly Indians. Not only that, the Longhorn D which struggled in pass coverage last year, gave up 272 yards in the air and another 125 on the ground. Overall, the 'Horns got outgained 397-340. So what does it all mean? Well, not much, I would assume. If anything it showed Texas is good enough to just show up and win a game they are supposed to win, a feat that apparently isn't as easy as some expect (I'll touch on that later). The Horns however would be better served to put forth just a wee bit more effort against TCU this Saturday. And speaking of Texas...

- ...their rivals North of the Red River opened their season in a big way. The Oklahoma Sooners laid the smack down on North Texas. RS Freshmen DeMarco Murray and Sam Bradford made the most of their Sooner debuts. Bradford's performance was specifically of interest to Sooner fans, and he responded with a record setting night. It appears the Sooners QB questions have been answered, at least today. But Saturday's game against the always tough defense of the Miami Hurricanes will give us a better gauge of where Bradford and OU are really at.

- In the conferences marquee games, the SEC did not impress. Cal/Tennessee has already been discussed; and Auburn was fortunate to beat Kansas State, a team expected to finish third at best in the lowly Big XII North. Brandon Cox, who has taken his fair share of heat, did very little to cool things off. To top it off, he got nicked up pretty good in the game (sacked 5 times). If AU can't do a better job protecting Cox, they could be in for along year. Georgia however did quiet all the "upset alert" forecasters, and laid a can of whoop ass on Oklahoma State. Oklahoma State was one of 7 teams last season that averaged 200 yards rushing and passing per game. Georgia held them to under 200 in both categories, and only 266 total yards. The 'Dawg performance prompted Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy to say his team was "not ready for the big time". Ouch! The 'Dawgs may be more than just the sexy pick to win the SEC. They look like the real deal. Note: With this loss, the Big XII's winless sterak against ranked non-conference opponents has been extended to 17.

- Notre Dame got what it deserved, in a 33-3 thumping at the hands of Georgia Tech. It was sweet, poetic justice to see how bad the Irish are now that the bulk of Ty Willingham's players are gone. He'll never admit it because he's all class, but I'm sure Ty danced a little two step when he saw that score run across the ticker. I will thoroughly enjoy watching ND start off 0-8. And the way they looked Saturday, those final (4) games aren't gimmes. Charlie Weiss, go thank Touchdown Jesus those morons in South Bend were duped by those shams of BCS teams you put out the last two years and extended your contract until the next millennium, because the reality ND ain't what it was (and never will be) when you were a student is about to kick in real hard if it already hasn't.

- And going back to my previous statement about just showing up...the Michigan Wolverines learned a hard lesson about that, losing to (formerly) I-AA Appalachian State. The Wolverines can still regroup and win the Big 10 title, but those dreams of playing on the Bayou were dashed in week 1. Give Appalachian State all the credit in the world, they showed they belonged in the Big House. They were actually the faster team Saturday, if you can believe that. This game is being dubbed as the biggest upset in CFB history. And sure based on rankings, divisions, and all that crap it is. But tick for tack, player for player, what we saw Saturday was Appalachian State can compete with the big boys. While the Wolverines weren't quite their sharpest, by no means was the game given to Appalachian State. They took it, and it was quite clear by the middle of the second quarter the Montaineers could hang. As a matter of fact this isn't the first time Appalachian State showed they can suit 'em up with anybody. Just last season they gave LSU all they wanted. Sure the Tigers pulled away for a 24-0 win. But it was 14-0 coming into the 4th quarter. The Mountaineers made sure Tiger fans stayed all four quarters that night. But the ball game aside, what does this all mean? Well for me it means, the Carr era is over. Actually it was over about 3 years ago in my opinion. Rumors that Carr was retiring after this season are pretty much cemented now. I can only wonder how players will respond to him in the wake of this.

- And finally, congrats to the Virginia Tech Hokies as they continue the healing process. The Hokies may have been less than stellar in their season opener, but as we have learned time and time again: Sports are a great healer in this country. And that is what was really important Saturday, some normalcy and sense of moving on. Go Hokies and God Bless!

Week 1 picks:

9-2 straight up
7-4 against the spread

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 1 Predictions

Every Thursday, I'll be picking some of the top games of the weekend. Including the spread* is for "entertainment purposes only". (* spread used based on lines given on


LSU (-18) @ Mississippi State = LSU 31 MSU 10


Washington @ Syracuse (+3) = UW 28 SU 20


GaTech @ Notre Dame (-2) = GT 20 ND 17

Missouri (-4.5) @ Illinois (game played in St. Louis) = Mizzou 38 Illinois 21

Wake Forest @ Boston College (-6.5) = Wake 17 BC 31

Ole Miss (-2.5) @ Memphis (hey it's a rivalry game) = Ole Miss 20 Memphis 10

Washington State (+14) @ Wisconsin = Wazzu 13 Wisky 35

Oklahoma State (+6.5) @ UGA = Okie State 24 UGA 27

Kansas State (+13.5) @ Auburn = KSU 21 AU 20

FSU (-3) @ Clemson = FSU 24 Clemson 23

And the Game of the Week

Tennessee (+6) @ Cal = UT 23 Cal 28

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

And here we go!

By now most have you have probably seen the ESPN article, highlighting the most overrated and underrated college football teams of the past decade, based on poll position. Well the guys from the CFB Paradise forum have provided a pre-season poll of our own. We'll keep up with this throughout the season and see how accurate we end up. Since this blog was created in January 2007, we really haven't done much projecting. Well the time has come for us to do so, and see if we really are what we claim to be: Just as good as the "experts".

Stay tuned...

1. Southern Cal 484 (15)
2. LSU 472 (3)
3. Texas 439 (1)
4. Michigan 433
5. Florida 388
6. West Virginia 383
7. Oklahoma 369
8. Wisconsin 369
9. Virginia Tech 321
10. Louisville 304
11. Ohio State 300
12. Auburn 261
13. Penn State 202 (1)
14. Georgia 191
15. UCLA 183
16. Tennessee 180
17. Nebraska 164
18. Cal 143
19. Rutgers 134
20. Texas A&M 121
21. Florida St. 105
22. Georgia Tech 95
23. Arkansas 72
24. TCU 69
25. Miami 60

Others receiving votes: Hawaii 54, Oregon State 39, Missouri 29, Boise State 29, Oregon 21, South Carolina 19, Virginia 11, Arizona State 4

Friday, August 10, 2007

CFB Paradise Pre-season Radio Show!!!

It's that time again!

Listen live on Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 10 am CST. CFB Paradise will be broadcasting our preseaon show live from Illinois! Just click the following link and check us out!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The NFL has nothing on these guys....

The police blotter is going off the charts. All these crazy football players just keep getting into trouble. So who is it today? Another Pacman sighting on the blotter? Or maybe we get some new, unsuspecting blood today like Chris Chambers? And the Bengals are simply off the charts. But wait I don't recognize these names? Who is Dominic Jones? Mitchell Cozad, where the hell did he come from? And Jimmy Wilson...huh?

Well folks you've probably never heard of them because they are not household names. They are college football players. This summer has seen just as much action off the field, as we will see on any given Saturday. Sure, I'm used to the typical "football player gets into a fight, and the coach kicks said player off team". Maybe some team's starting QB gets arrested for Minor in Possession. And there are always the "internal" disciplinary issues.

But for whatever reason, and maybe I just haven't been paying attention over the years, crime in college football seems to be more and more common recently. Even scarier is the stature of the crimes. I remember all the hub bub that went down at Oklahoma in the late 80's, but frankly that was about as bad as it's been for the longest from all I recall. But in recent years, it's gotten a bit frightening.

To answer the previous questions, Dominic Jones is a CB for the Minnesota Golden Gophers. James is accused of raping a girl, and videotaping the act. Mitchell Cozad's stupidity actually took place in October of 2006. His trial started this summer though, and that is what re-surfaced his acts recently. Cozad if you recall, is the jealous punter, who stabbed his teammate in an attempt to gain the starting job. And Jimmy Wilson, (former) CB at Montana is accused of murder.

But wait there's more from this summer alone. A few of note:

- Ex-Florida and Bethune Cookman DB Avery Atkins was found dead in his car, amongst much suspicion

- Gators Ronnie Wilson and Brandon James face suspensions and scholarship loss for their actions over the summer.

- Arkansas DE Donnell Sanders faces 3 misdemeanor charges.

- At Tennessee, even the walk ons are getting into the act. Selling crack cocaine however is a little over the top, even for Tennessee.

- Samford DE Micheal Sherrod Hall was indicted for robbing a bank.

- At least Penn State kept it fairly "normal" and just whipped some asses.

In March of 2005, USA Today writer Christine Brennan highlighted some ills from that season. I would also like to highlight a list of arrests and charges starting from the 2005 season to present day, compliments of a forum from

It appears we are seeing an alarming trend over the past two years. Why exactly? I have no idea. There was a time when sports were by and large a time to get away from all the bad stuff in the world. Now the bad stuff is becoming more and more a part of our sports. Their really isn't some big explanation in my opinion. Blasting colleges for more institutional control and whatever else is useless. The colleges by and large are trying to monitor these problems, and when they take care of the issue, that too makes headlines. The bottom line is when a person decides to, as Michael Irvin so eloquently put it, find a "right way to do the wrong thing"nobody can stop them. They made up their mind to go down that road, and it's nobody's fault but the indiviuals when the consequences kick in.

With all that said, it does hurt to see the game I love getting so much negative press. C'mon college football stick to booster payments, crooked refs, and BCS debates. Let the pros handle the felonies.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Summer is officially here...

Spring ball has ended, the draft is over, and now all we can do is....wait. Yep wait. Today is June 1, 2007 and all we can do is wait until August. I suppose NFL Europe can fill our football void, but I doubt it. I will say however, thank the football gods for the Fox College Sports channels. I can watch Spring game recaps all summer from various conferences. And I can watch them as many times as I want. And I will.

Anyhow, football guides are coming out. Athlon's is counting down their top 25. And soon SI, Lindy's, Blue Ribbon, The Sporting News, and ESPN will chime in (and Lord knows who all else). So with that said, here is my Top 10 and other musings. Why only 10? Because 25 teams don't have a shot at the NC, so why worry about the other 15? Predicted record is based on regular season games only. Potential conference championship game appearance or bowl are not factored in.

10. Louisville: New head coach Steve Kragthrope is a great coach with an offensive background, so don't expect much in the way of rough transition with Bobby Petrino's loss. Having a pretty good QB in Brian Brohm helps too. Defensive transition will be the key. However, LB Malik Jackson and SS Jon Russell with help ease the pain of the losses on D that included #8 pick DT Amobi Okoye. Games at Kentucky and at West Virginia will provide the stiffest challenges. Predicted record: 10-2

9. Florida: The Gators lost a lot, but have recruited so well you have to think Urban Meyer will have this team back in the hunt. DE Derek Harvey and S Tony Joiner are the only two returning starters from last year's defense, so the offense will have to carry load, at least early on. QB Tim Tebow and WR Percy Harvin will pace the Gator attack. A veteran O-Line anchoring the Gator offense will be huge as well for Florida's success. Getting Tennessee and Auburn at home helps, but a trip to Baton Rouge will not be easy for the Gators. Predicted record: 10-2

8. Texas: The Horns will be in the hunt. As usual in Big XII play, it will all come down to the OU/TX game (played October 6, 2007 in Dallas, TX). The Horns return QB Colt McCoy, WR Limas Sweed, and a committed Jamal Charles at RB. They front 7 on D is loaded as well, anchored by DT Frank Okam. But questions in the secondary and O-Line, plus a challenging schedule(TCU, Nebraska, OU in Dallas, at Texas A&M), could make the road tough for the Horns. Predicted record: 10-2

7. Virginia Tech: The Hokies return 16 starters (8 on offense; 8 on defense) for last season's 10-3 team. QB Sean Glennon will have to improve last seasons TD to INT ratio (1 to 1) but having RB Branden Ore to hand the ball off too can make the looks downfield a little easier. The conference schedule sets up well for Tech (FSU and Miami in Blacksburg), but an early season trip to LSU will provide a gauge how good the Hokies really are. Predicted record: 11-1

6. Wisconsin: Replacing 3 year starting QB John Stocco is this teams biggest hurdle. Kansas State transfer Allan Evridge looks to fill that role. Sophomore RB PJ Hill (1569 yards, 15 TDs)will ease the transition for whoever fills the QB role. Six starters return to a defense that produse All Big Ten performer Matt Shaughnessy. The Badgers have road tests at Penn State and Ohio State, and get Michigan at home. Predicted record: 11-1

5. Michigan: The Wolverines return the best QB-RB-WR combo in America in Chad Henne, Michael Hart, and Mario Manningham. With All American Jake Long anchoring arguably the best O-Line in the country, the Wolverines will have a high powered attack. Questions defensively could hurt the Wolverines BCS title hopes. The Wolverines will play Oregon and ND at home, and get Ohio State in the Big House. A trip to Wisconsin will provide their stiffest road test. Predicted record: 11-1

4. Oklahoma: Replacing All Big XII RB Adrian Peterson will be easier than most expect. OU was 10-1 the last two years in the 11 games Peterson missed substantial parts of, or all of. The Sooners are loaded at every position, boasting among the best O-Lines and secondaries in the country. Oh wait, there's that little matter of who will QB the Sooners? RS Freshman Sam Bradford looked to have the edge in spring ball. The Sooners schedule sets up nicely for a run in 2007, even with potential new QB issues. The Sooners get Miami at home and the annual tilt with Texas, but the toughest road test will be at Texas Tech. Predicted record: 11-1

3. LSU: Losing your QB, who just happened to be the #1 pick in the NFL draft, would scare most teams. Not the Bayou Bengals, however. Matt Flynn of 2005 Peach Bowl MVP fame will get the full time nod. The pending off field issues with Ryan Perrilloux could ultimately pose some depth a QB questions if he is dismissed (as of this blog he is still on the team). The O-Line returns 3 starters as well, including All SEC guard Will Arnold. The Tigers boast the best DTs in the country with Glenn Dorsey, Charles Alexander, and Marlon Favorite. Craig Steltz will keep the secondary in check, after the departure of LaRon Landry. The Tigers schedule is favorable, getting Virginia Tech, Florida, Auburn, and Arkansas in Death Valley. Road trips to Kentucky and Alabama could be potential landmines. Predicted record: 11-1

2. West Virginia: QB Patrick White and RB Steve Slaton make up the best backfield in America. They will do their damage behind an O-Line that returns 3 starters, including All Big East performer Ryan Stanchek. Defensively, 5 starters return, including leading tackler safety Eric Wicks and all conference DT Keilen Dykes. The schedule sets up very well for West Virginia, getting Pitt and Louisville at home. At Rutgers is the toughest road trip. Predicted record: 12-0

1. USC: Where do we begin? Most talented roster in America, bar none. Offensively the Trojans return QB John Booty, and all 3 RBs that saw substantial playing time (CJ Gable, Emmanuel Moody, and Chauncey Washington). The O-Line returns two time All American tackle Sam Baker, and 3 starters total. The defense returns 10 starters including All American tackle Sedrick Ellis, the best LB core in the country, and star in the making safety Taylor Mays. Road tests at Nebraska, Notre Dame, and Cal will provide the toughest challenges for the Trojans. Predicted record: 12-0

Teams just on the cusp of the top 10: Ohio State, Rutgers, Tennessee, TCU, Florida State

Teams you likely won't find in most pre-season top 25 polls that will raise eyebrows: Kentucky, Missouri, Arizona, Alabama

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

2007 NFL Mock Draft

Special contribution to CFBParadise submitted by: Mr. Aaron Barhorst

NFL 2007 Team Needs and Mock Draft

It’s almost that time of year again and if you’re anywhere close to the NFL junky I am the draft is a couple of days worth looking forward to. You have to love seeing where the playmakers from your favorite college team end up as well, as long as it’s not Cleveland. Just kidding Browns fans.

An NFL mock draft is nowhere close to being an exact science. If I had five bucks for every time Mel Kiper put his foot in his mouth with a wrong pick, I’d be living on a beach somewhere with a loose alcohol and clothing policy. With that being said, I’ll address the first round of the draft on a team by team basis listing their needs first and then listing their most probable options. Most good GM’s and coaches will draft the best player available regardless of their needs but sometimes it’s too tempting to pass on a need player you can plug in right away. You’ll notice that quite a bit in reading this guessing game I’ve typed out. Enough rambling from me, let’s get to it.

1) Oakland Raiders Needs: QB, OT, WR, TE, DE, DT, RB
Pick: JaMarcus Russell QB, LSU
The popular pick here is Russell. He’s the type of QB with a cannon arm that Al Davis covets and they really need help at the position. However, Davis has a history of not taking QB’s in round one and could go with WR Calvin Johnson out of Georgia Tech. Keep an eye on this one. There are several rumors running rampant including one that has Randy Moss traded to Green Bay on draft day in exchange for QB Aaron Rodgers and picks. This would free them up to take Johnson #1 who is arguably the highest talent in the draft. Picking up a veteran like Daunte Culpepper or Jake Plummer would also free them up to take Johnson.

2) Detroit Lions Needs: QB, OT, DE, CB, ILB, TE
Pick: Brady Quinn QB, Notre Dame
Detroit could go a few directions here but I believe the thought of Jon Kitna leading the offense for the next few years drives them to take Quinn. The Lions aquired offensive tackle George Foster from Denver eliminating the need to draft Wisconsin tackle Joe Thomas here. Clemson defensive end Gaines Adams is also a possibility and the fact that their starting halfback Kevin Jones may be out for half of the season may make Adrian Peterson fans antsy. My gut tells me they may trade this pick; more on that later.

3) Cleveland Browns Needs: RB, QB, CB, OT, DT, DE
Pick: Adrian Peterson RB, Oklahoma
If Quinn is off the board, Peterson would probably be a no-brainer here for Cleveland. From what I’m hearing, Cleveland’s owner Randy Lerner is sold on Brady Quinn while GM Phil Savage and head coach Romeo Crennel want Peterson badly. This bears watching if Quinn is available. He who pays the bills usually wins out.

4) Tampa Bay Buccaneers Needs: WR, TE, OT, DT, G, S
Pick: Calvin Johnson WR, Georgia Tech
If and that’s a BIG if the Bucs stay pat at #4 I think they go with Johnson if he’s still available. Rumors running rampant say Tampa may be inclined to trade picks with Detroit as long as Oakland doesn’t take Johnson at the top slot. A lot can happen here and if for some reason the Bucs can’t add Johnson to their roster they’ll have two great options out there with Joe Thomas and Gaines Adams available.

5) Arizona Cardinals Needs: OT, G, TE, DE, DT, OLB, S
Pick: Joe Thomas OT, Wisconsin
This would be a dream scenario for the Cardinals, who don’t have a bigger need on their roster and can fill it with the best tackle in the draft. Leonard Davis was a big (no pun intended) disappointment and is now in Dallas. Don’t be surprised if the Cardinals make a play and move up to ensure they get their guy.

6) Washington Redskins Needs: DE, DT, ILB, G, S, CB, WR
Pick: Gaines Adams DE, Clemson
With this being the Redskins’ only pick until the fifth round, they must address their weak defensive line. They’d consider Louisville’s DT Amobi Okoye and DE Jamaal Anderson out of Arkansas but in reality I can see them trading down to aquire more picks.

7) Minnesota Vikings Needs: QB, WR, DE, OT, RB, TE, CB
Pick: Jamaal Anderson DE, Arkansas
Despite using high draft picks on defensive ends two of the last three years, the Vikings just aren’t getting much of a pass rush from the position. Anderson is very athletic for his size and is a relentless pass rusher. Head coach Brad Childress believes in building a team thru the draft so this could be another team looking to trade down to aquire more picks.

8) Atlanta Falcons Needs: WR, S, G, DE, CB, ILB, C
Pick: LaRon Landry S, LSU
The Falcons have been starved for a playmaking safety for years and would be tickled pink to land Landry. This is a kid who can excel in coverage and run support and should be a Pro Bowl safety for years to come in the NFL. One tidbit to watch with the Falcons on draft day are the rumors of wanting to keep hometown boy Calvin Johnson in the area. The Falcons have two second round picks and three fourth-rounders so they have some chips on the table for trading up.

9) Miami Dolphins Needs: QB, G, OT, S, WR, TE, CB
Pick: Levi Brown OT, Penn State
Miami’s offensive line has been in flux for years and I think head coach Cam Cameron makes a move to remedy that with Brown. The Dolphins haven’t had a top-flight left tackle since the days of Richmond Webb and Brown offers a great combination of devastating run blocking and steady pass protection skills. This pick could get a little interesting if Brady Quinn’s stock falls. Daunte Culpepper is all but gone and I’m sure the prospect of starting Joey Harrington or Cleo Lemon all year at quarterback has Dolphins’ front office thinking about buying stock in Pepto Bismol.

10) Houston Texans Needs: OT, WR, S, DT, CB, DE, OLB, G
Pick: Leon Hall CB, Michigan
The Texans would select Adrian Peterson, Levi Brown or LaRon Landry if available but Hall would be a good fit here if all three are off the board. Houston needs a steady presence opposite of Dunta Robinson and Hall has good cover skills and is probably the best run-supporting corner in the draft.

11) San Francisco 49ers Needs: DE, WR, DT, OLB, CB, ILB
Pick: Ted Ginn Jr. WR, Ohio State
The 49ers may have picked up wide receiver Ashley Lelie, but they also released Antonio Bryant . Their next best option at wideout is Arnaz Battle, so obviously they are in need of a playmaker at the position. Ginn has great speed, and should be an immediate deep threat on the outside. He should also improve the 49ers return game immensely. Another option here is DT Alan Branch out of Michigan or Jamaal Anderson if he falls to them.

12) Buffalo Bills Needs: RB, ILB, CB, OLB, WR, TE, QB
Pick: Patrick Willis ILB, Ole Miss
The Bills allowed London Fletcher and Takeo Spikes to leave creating a huge void at linebacker. What better way to fill the need than with the best linebacker in the draft? Buffalo also traded workhorse running back Willis McGahee to Baltimore and will need to address that in the draft or thru a trade. San Diego’s Michael Turner is at the top of Buffalo’s wish list but the Chargers are holding out for a first round pick.

13) St. Louis Rams Needs: DT, DE, RB, G, CB, WR, C
Pick: Amobi Okoye DT, Louisville
With Leonard Little being the only consistent pass rusher on the roster, the Rams will look to upgrade here. Okoye is only 19 years old but has the size, speed and strength to be a disruptive force right away for the Rams. Give him time to develop and he may be one of the most feared defensive tackles in the league for the next ten to fifteen years.

14) Carolina Panthers Needs: S, ILB, DE, WR, TE, CB, FB
Pick: Reggie Nelson S, Florida
The Panthers are aging at safety and if they don’t bring someone in thru free agency, will probably commit a first-day pick to the position. Nelson lacks the size of LaRon Landry but is a playmaker and always seems to be around the ball. Another option here for the Panthers is tight end Greg Olsen out of Miami. New offensive coordinator Jeff Davidson wants to make the tight end a significant part of the passing attack. They haven’t had a consistant threat there since Wesley Walls was in his prime.

15) Pittsburgh Steelers Needs: OLB, DE, RB, CB, P, OT, G
Pick: Lawrence Timmons OLB, Florida St.
Joey Porter was let go, so the Steelers may be in the market for a linebacker who can consistently rush the passer. Timmons’ skill set makes him a good fit as a rush linebacker in the Steelers 3-4 scheme. If new head coach decides he wants to convert the Steelers into the 4-3 defense he’s comfortable with, OLB Paul Posluszny may be an option here.

16) Green Bay Packers Needs: RB, WR, TE, S, CB, OLB, OT
Pick: Robert Meachem WR, Tennessee
Almost every mock draft I’ve seen has Green Bay taking Cal’s Marshawn Lynch here. With Ahman Green gone and Vernand Morency going into camp as the probable starter the Packers do need to address this but I don’t think they do it in round one. Meachem is a proven producer and has great size and speed. He would be a great complement to possession receivers Donald Driver and Greg Jennings, stretching the field for Brett Favre. Look for Green Bay to select a running back in round two. Solid players like Auburn’s Kenny Irons, Arizona’s Chris Henry or Florida State’s Lorenzo Booker would be a good option here.

17) Jacksonville Jaguars Needs: WR, S, DE, CB, QB, OLB, ILB
Pick: Dwayne Bowe WR, LSU
Jacksonville has taken a wide receiver in the first round in two of the last three drafts and the company line is that they won’t select another one but this could be a smoke screen. The wideouts on the roster are all cut from the same mold; big guys with good straight line speed but not much in the quickness and moves department. Bowe offers the total package for a wideout and has some people comparing him to Hines Ward. Miami safety Brandon Meriweather may be an option here. Donovan Darius is still there but comes with some age and injury concerns.

18) Cincinnati Bengals Needs: CB, S, DT, OLB, TE, WR, G, RB
Pick: Darrelle Revis CB, Pittsburgh
Cincinnati is in dire need for some help in the defensive backfield and Revis would be a great value here. His stock has soared over the past month thru great individual workouts. Pair that with studying his game tape at Pitt and it’s clear he’s a special player who will also help the Bengals in the return game. Reggie Nelson would warrant a long look here also if he dropped.

19) Tennessee Titans Needs: WR, DE, RB, CB, G, S, DT
Pick: Marshawn Lynch RB, Cal
The Titans drafted LenDale White last year hoping he’d develop into their starter in the backfield. But with White looking more like an offensive lineman coupled with the departure of Travis Henry and possibly Chris Brown, the Titans will take a long look at Lynch. If Robert Meachem or Dwayne Bowe were available the Titans would likely pounce. Defensive end Adam Carriker out of Nebraska would also be a good value and fill a big need here.

20) New York Giants Needs: OT, OLB, CB, WR, S, DT, TE
Pick: Joe Staley OT, Central Michigan
With the release of Luke Petitgout and the retirement of Bob Whitfield, the Giants have a gaping hole at left tackle. Staley’s great athleticism could get him drafted earlier but if he’s still on the board it would seem the Giants’ need would override they’re other concerns. Other possibilities could be cornerbacks Aaron Ross out of Texas and Tenard Jackson of Syracuse. Arkansas offensive tackle Tony Ugoh could also make an appearance here.

21) Denver Broncos Needs: DT, DE, S, OLB, ILB, OT, G
Pick: Adam Carriker DE, Nebraska
Depending on how far Michigan defensive tackle Alan Branch’s stock falls he could be an option here. Denver’s biggest need is defensive tackle but there is concern over stress fractures for Branch which could cause him to free-fall. Carriker would be the best option here if that is indeed the case. He’s big and strong enough to slide in at tackle if needed but would excel as the power end in Denver’s scheme. Great nonstop motor and adequate pass-rushing ability.

22) Dallas Cowboys Needs: OLB, S, DT, WR, CB, OT, QB
Pick: Alan Branch DT, Michigan
The free agent signing of ex-Seattle safety Ken Hamlin eliminates the need of reaching for a safety here but don’t rule it out, especially if Florida’s Reggie Nelson is still available. Miami’s Brandon Meriweather could also get a long look here. The selection of Branch here would add some great depth behind nose tackle Jason Ferguson and at the same time provide some competition to defensive end Marcus Spears. Branch is a special talent if deemed fully healthy. Great mix of size and quickness.

23) Kansas City Chiefs Needs: DT, CB, DE, WR, QB, RB, G
Pick: Aaron Ross CB, Texas
The Chiefs have several holes that need filled and Ross would give them a youthful boost in the secondary. Alan Branch would be a great fit if still on the board but Kansas City will probably look to someone like Tennessee’s Justin Harrell in round two to shore up the line. Luckily for Kansas City this is a very rich draft for wide receivers so they’ll be able to get a quality player there on the first day. Cleveland and Miami are linked to trade rumors involving quarterback Trent Green which could land the Chiefs more draft picks.

24) New England Patriots Needs: S, CB, ILB, OT, OLB, RB, TE
Pick: Tanard Jackson CB, Syracuse
Bill Belicheck and company need some help on the defensive side of the ball and are in great position to do it with the 24th and 28th picks in the first round. Jackson is a big corner with good coverage skills and can be a devastating hitter. With Asante Samuel thinking of holding out this would be a huge pickup for the Pats. Other options here would be Miami’s Brandon Meriweather, Fresno State corner Marcus McCauley, Penn State linebacker Paul Posluszny and Michigan linebacker David Harris.

25) New York Jets Needs: CB, ILB, G, OT, OLB, DE
Pick: Marcus McCauley CB, Fresno State
The run on first rounder corners continues with the Jets taking McCauley to compete for a starting job right away. He has rare explosiveness and speed for a taller corner and although it may be risky to take him this high, it will probably be too tempting to pass by. Other options here include Arkansas CB Chris Houston or Penn State LB Paul Posluszny.

26) Philadelphia Eagles Needs: S, DE, OLB, ILB, CB, TE, DT
Pick: Paul Posluszny OLB, Penn State
The Eagles signed Takeo Spikes over the offeseason but he’s thirty years old and still recovering from an achilles’ tendon injury. Jeremiah Trotter is still solid in the middle but is also aging. Posluszny will come in and add some high octane energy to a unit that desperately needs it. He’s capable of playing inside or outside and will be a great successor to either of the veteran linebackers mentioned. Philly will have a very tough time here not pulling the trigger on Miami safety Brandon Meriweather or Florida defensive end Jarvis Moss.

27) New Orleans Saints Needs: CB, WR, DT, OLB, ILB, TE
Pick: Chris Houston CB, Arkansas
One of the largest group of corners drafted in the first round continues with the Saints selecting lightning fast Chris Houston to shore up a shaky secondary. Houston has the speed and athleticism that incumbent starter Fred Thomas is lacking. New Orleans may be tempted to select Miami tight end Greg Olsen here or one of the crop of wideouts that includes Dwayne Jarrett, Sidney Rice, Aundrae Allison or Steve Smith but I believe they wait until the second round to find another complement to Marques Colston and Devery Henderson.

28) New England Patriots Needs: S, CB, ILB, OT, OLB, RB, TE
Pick: Brandon Meriweather S, Miami
The Patriots pick up their second highly-touted defensive back of the draft in selecting Meriweather. He’ll give the Pats a rangy ball hawk who has the ability to cover wide receivers and tight ends one on one who also shows toughness in run support despite his lack of size. New England picks up a great safety/corner combination for years to come.

29) Baltimore Ravens Needs: OT, G, CB, OLB, DE, ILB, C
Pick: Tony Ugoh OT, Arkansas
The Ravens are almost forced to go with the best offensive lineman available here with starters Tony Pashos and Edwin Mulitalo moving on and All-Pro tackle Jonathan Ogden possibly heading into his last season. Ugoh has great ability run blocking and has the quickness to shut down speed rushers on the outside but some question his consistency.

30) San Diego Chargers Needs: WR, S, RB, DT, OLB, ILB, OT
Pick: Sidney Rice WR, South Carolina
Keenan McCardell has been released, and Eric Parker leaves a little to be desired as a No. 2. Vincent Jackson seems to be developing nicely, but the team needs another solid option in the passing game. There are teams out there who may crack and give the Chargers more high picks for running back Michael Turner giving them the ammunition to move up or down in the draft or to stand pat and add quite a few quality players.

31) Chicago Bears Needs: WR, OT, TE, QB, OLB, CB, G, RB
Pick: Greg Olsen TE Miami
Having beefed up the defense and special teams in the 2006 draft, the Bears will probably look to the offense early in 2007. Olsen would be a great addition, possessing the speed and ability to outrun most linebackers and abuse safeties. Let’s face it, Rex Grossman needs all the help he can get and a safety valve like Olsen could be just what the doctor ordered. Another great option here for the Bears would be East Carolina WR Aundrae Allison.

32) Indianapolis Colts Needs: OLB, DT, WR, S, RB, ILB, CB
Pick: Jon Beason OLB, Miami
After losing linebacker Cato June to free agency, Beason would be a perfect fit in Tony Dungy’s defense. Beason is a bit undersized but has amazing quickness and ball skills, the traits needed for a linebacker in Dungy’s cover two defense.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What we have become...

After today's events have we not grown tired of what we have created? We have all created a society that has no conscious. I do realize that not everybody falls under this category but for the most part people don't care about the other individual the way they should. Honestly, when you see another person walking down the street and it is obvious they need more too eat or are on hard times; how much do you care?

I will be honest, most of my life I didn't give a damn. In fact I would say that I have lived the imperfect life under most people’s judgment. At the same time though, I do realize that I can change myself and the way I think. The older I get the more I realize that the help we give others is what is most important in our lives. I have come to realization, over my short time here, that what we put in the life of others will be put into our own.

Today, many people were killed; due to what? I imagine the person behind it would be a self depressed person that wanted to take vengeance on the people who had made him feel this way. The question that will be on most people's mind will be what made this person feel this way. Was it people picking on him, was it people making him feel not included, etc...But the real answer is that we create lines in our society that make others feel inferior.

I do not mean that to be an excuse to what happened today as I have felt the same, as I am sure others have felt, and have never reached to those extremes. What I mean by that is we try to make others feel inferior to make ourselves feel better. Too many times we put down others to make ourselves feel better about our own lives. Why is it we want to feel so inferior to our own brothers?

It is our own human nature that makes us feel that way. It is our own self doubts that make us feel that way. It is the own fact that we all want to be better than our own brother than makes us feel this way, but the question remains what ticks that clock?

The answer is simple; we have forgotten about God and what life is about. We have taken God out of our schools and society to where it doesn't matter. I understand that this country is suppose to separate God and country; but those laws were created to make sure nobody was persecuted for their beliefs. Those laws where not created to take God out of our everyday lives.

I not only question what we are putting forth to our children but what we put forth as a society. Is it not time we rise to the challenge and make this society what our fore fathers wanted it to be?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Some OOC Thoughts

There is a lot made about a team’s out of conference schedule. Is it strong? Is it weak? Do they play all those games at home? How far are they traveling? Let’s discuss for a minute how important all this is.

You first have to look at why teams play who they play. In some instances state universities give some lesser state universities a chance to get some additional revenue. For example, the University of Illinois will play a team like Southern Illinois to help them get some extra money that they wouldn’t normally get. In other cases teams try to play lesser 1A or 1AA schools to get victories because the BCS is so competitive that any loss can put you out of contention for a MNC. Finally there are some teams like USC that will play anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Which of these strategies is the best? Well for me I like the way USC does it. First of all it does them absolutely no good to play lesser teams. Why play a school that will not challenge you at all? Plus how would they (or anyone else that would play a lesser school) know how good of a team they really are, or know what they need to work on if they blow out a San Jose State by 60 points? To me, to be the best, you need to beat the best. I would rather go 9-3 against top competition then undefeated against the little sisters of the poor. That way I would know whether or not my team really deserved a title shot.

While I understand some of the “financial obligations” some schools feel they have by playing some other instate school, it doesn’t explain the rest of the sally games some of these schools play.

Line up against the best and see how good you really are